The incredible new gospel song “My Shephard” was written and recorded by Apst Chinwe Eziri, a gospel musician and songwriter from Nigeria.



That performance is also a key component of her newly discovered album titled “My Shephard (Album).”

“I Praise You,” by Apst Chinwe Eziri, has such a happy, uplifting tune that you can’t help but sing along and hum along.

The new song is a powerful and thoughtful piece of art that will leave a lasting impression on listeners thanks to its catchy melody and thought-provoking lyrics.

The recently released song is excellent in every sense; it has a catchy chorus and is performed well.

This long-awaited track features Apst Chinwe Eziri at the height of her powers; it’s an excellent example of his exceptional talent and variety.

Give the song a spin and tell us what you think in the comments!


audio 'My Shephard' by Apst Chinwe Eziri
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